Current Prison Constructions

Welcome to European Corrections Corporation (EUCC). We're delighted that you've chosen to pay us a visit. You may already know that EUCC is the European leader in privatized correctional and detention management. We manage state-of-the-art correctional and detention, and design, construct and finance them as well.

As you browse around and navigate this site, you'll learn about the many benefits of privatization, and what makes EUCC different from our competitors in the industry. You'll read about the different services we offer. You'll become familiar with our valued clients, and what we do to support our contracts and ensure their success. You'll be impressed by the nature and depth of our programs. You'll see how we develop a correctional facility, as our current prison in Graz-Karlau. We are the only corrections company in the world which offers a complete insight into our planned prison construction projects through a detailed CAD graphic to fulfill our mission of transparency and efficiency to the public.

So you'll understand why we believe a strategic investment in EUCC makes good business sense. In short, we think you'll learn everything you ever wanted to know about EUCC and privatized corrections right here on our site. We thank you for your visit and invite you take this opportunity to explore EUCC and our industry.