Art appears to offer an alternative to the administered world.
Interviewee: Roger Behrens
Here art appears to offer an alternative – ever since, for a few years now, if not meanwhile decades in fact, the “political” is being emphasised again. It all got going at the biennales and triennials with a couple of projects, with “artistic research”, theses on artists as experts on social issues, including quite clever camouflage projects, just to get financed, which is more than justified, to tap into and exploit the respective sources: to camouflage a house as an art project, a sanctuary for illegal migrants, or simply some kind of nonsense, but which is so handsomely financed that the rent can be paid. Politics offers a whole arsenal of symbols and props with which art can deck itself out accordingly, and in my view has been doing this successfully for some time now – up to the point even that art is assigned the function of the political.